Tuesday, July 28, 2009

another day another dollar

dryers are here, they're super fancy and can double as a washer for some reason.
there's a gigantic stockpile of soda and junkfood and a fridge for them too
stuff's going well overall i suppose.

I finally got in with the tae kwan do class and it was pretty alright. I couldn't do yoga due to a hand injury from a fall yesterday. It still hurts and is very annoying.

I've been doing a lot of reading and composing and whatnot, tonight i got a massage from someone and that was awesome, I'll have to start getting those daily.

I guess I'm going to teach a few people how to read music and start some basic music theory stuff, but I want to see if there's a piano or something in this old place that I can use.

That's about all! I'm up too late and need to sleep but the book I'm reading is too engrossing.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your hands. Sounds like life is still pretty good for you. I was sorry to hear you are having to suffer with getting massages ha ha. All in all you seem to be living the life of Riley. (old expression meaning basically what it sounds like.) Love you. Dad
